筲箕灣歷史文化導賞遊 (Cultural Tours in Shau Kei Wan)

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For enquiries, please call 2857 8387 or email to way@cedars.hku.hk .



• 香港海防博物館:博物館內有軍事古蹟徑,可參觀炮台、大炮、壕溝、堡壘及彈藥庫的遺跡;從博物館的高處可觀望筲箕灣的戰略位置,與對岸魔鬼山的軍事設施,形成香港東面的防衛線。
• 宗教部份:筲箕灣東大街上有三間廟宇(城隍廟、天后廟、譚公廟)及一座基督教堂,廟宇和教堂的存在反映筲箕灣早已是繁榮的社區,政府選址筲箕灣興建軍事設施,相信是需要社區供應軍營所需物資。


• 舊社區:從望隆街、寶文街、金華街至東大街,認識筲箕灣舊區的歷史和特色。
• 民間信仰:筲箕灣東大街上有三間廟宇(城隍廟、天后廟、譚公廟)及一座基督教堂,廟宇和教堂的存在反映筲箕灣早已是繁榮的社區,有客家人和漁民聚居,從這些宗教建築可以認識筲箕灣人的傳統信仰。
• 海旁部份:譚公廟道上有魚類批發市場、船廠、舊漁民子弟學校、譚公廟。這些設施與筲箕灣漁業關係密切。
• 筲箕灣避風塘:介紹漁民的歷史和生活,並且回顧筲箕灣海岸線的變遷。

The tours are arranged with specific themes:

Route 1: Military and Religion

• Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence: Along the historical trail inside the Museum, we will appreciate various military relics like battery, guns, ditch, caponier and gunpowder factory. At the hill top, we will review the historical military constructions at both sides of Lei Yue Mun Channel, in association with the military history of Hong Kong.
• Local Religion: Along the Shau Kei Wan Main Street East, there are 3 local temples (Shing Wong Temple, Tin Hau Temple and Tam Kung Temple) and a protestant church. The existence of the religious structures reflects the fact that Shau Kei Wan has a long history of community development. The government might have taken an advantage of the proximity of this community to build the military forts there.

Route 2: Fishermen and Community History

• Old Town Area: From Po Man Street, Kam Wah Street, Factory Street and Shau Kei Wan Main Street East, we will review the characteristics of the old town area and the changes of the coastline of Shau Kei Wan.
• Local Religion: Along the Shau Kei Wan Main Street East, there are 3 local temples (Shing Wong Temple, Tin Hau Temple and Tam Kung Temple) and a protestant church. The existence of the religious structures tells that Shau Kei Wan has a long history of community development.
• The Promenade: Along the Tam Kung Temple Road, there are structures relating to the history of fisheries in Shau Kei Wan: the Wholesale Fish Market, shipyards, former Fishermen’s Children School and Tam Kung Temple.
• Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter: It is the best place to review the changes of coastline of Shau Kei Wan and to understand how the changes affect the livelihood of the fishermen.