Customer Satisfaction Survey on Campus Catering Services 2022/2023

Customer Satisfaction Survey on Campus Catering Services - 2022/2023

Customer Satisfaction Survey on Campus Catering Services - 2022/2023

We would like to know...
What your experience was like on your visits to the campus eateries?
Are you happy with the food and services?
In what areas would you expect the eateries to improve?

From time to time, the University collects comments and suggestions from the University community on the various catering operations on campus to examine and identify areas for improvement. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your valuable input and support for the betterment of catering services at HKU is much appreciated!

If you have any enquiries or encountered any technical problem when filling out the questionnaire, please contact CEDARS-Campus Life at

CEDARS-Campus Life


2022/2023 校園膳食服務顧客意見調查



如閣下對是次意見調查有任何疑問或於填寫問卷時遇上技術問題,請透過電郵 與學生發展及資源中心-校園生活聯絡。



User Profile

(For statistical purposes only 只供統計用)

Catering Facilities

Please fill out a separate form if you wish to comment on more than one catering facilities 如需評論多於一間校園餐飲設施,請另外填寫新一份問卷

My Dining Experience 用餐體驗

Please rate the above catering facility based on its food offered, hygiene standard, and service level 請閣下就上述膳食設施之食品、衛生及服務質素評分

Food 食品
5 Exceptional 極好4 Very Good 很好3 Good 好2 Adequate 一般1 Poor 差NA Not Applicable 不適用
Did the food taste fresh? 食物是否新鮮?
Was the food served at the proper temperature? 食品溫度是否合適?
Was the portion size fair for the its price? 相對食品售價,食物份量是否合理?
Was the food quality consistent? 食物質素是否穩定?
Did you find the range of products sufficient? 食品種類是否足夠?
Was the food product well-presented and as described? 食品賣相是否吸引及與描述相符?
What is your perception of the overall value for money of the food being purchased? 整體而言食品是否物有所值?
Hygiene 衛生
5 Exceptional 極好4 Very Good 很好3 Good 好2 Adequate 一般1 Poor 差NA Not Applicable 不適用
Were the service counters clean and neat? 服務及出餐櫃檯是否整潔?
Were the utensils provided clean? 餐具是否乾淨?
Was the dining lobby clean and well managed? 堂食區是否乾淨及管理得宜?
Were the dining tables and chairs clean and tidy? 堂食餐桌和椅子是否整潔?
Service 服務
5 Exceptional 極好4 Very Good 很好3 Good 好2 Adequate 一般1 Poor 差NA Not Applicable 不適用
Did you find the waiting time for order & payment reasonable? 點餐及付款等候時間是否合理?
Did you find the waiting time for food reasonable? 出餐等候時間是否合理?
Was there sufficient seating? 座位是否足夠?
Were the duty staff friendly and helpful? 餐廳員工態度是否友善及主動幫助客人?
Were the duty staff performing professionally? 餐廳員工於當值時是否表現專業?
Were the duty staff wearing clean uniform and look presentable? 餐廳員工的制服及穿戴是否整潔?
Did you find the loyalty program attractive? (where applicable) 餐廳的會員制度是否吸引? (如適用)
Overall rating 整體評分
5 Exceptional 極好4 Very Good 很好3 Good 好2 Adequate 一般1 Poor 差
Overall rating to this outlet 食肆整體評分
5 Definitely 會4 Very Likely 很有可能3 Maybe 也許2 Avoid if Possible 盡可能避免1 Definitely Not 不會
Based on your dining experience, how likely will you visit this outlet again? 根據您過往的用餐體驗,您會否再次光顧此餐廳?
Based on your dining experience, how likely will you recommend this outlet to others? 根據您過往的用餐體驗,您會否介紹其他人光顧此餐廳?
Upload Supplementary Photo 上傳相關相片

Please feel free to supplement your feedback with photos. The maximum upload size of the file is 5MB in jpg, png, bmp or tif format.

Personal Dining Habit 個人用餐習慣
In the past two months, which THREE campus eateries did you visit the most? 在過去兩個月內,您最常光顧哪三所校園食肆?

(please select all that apply 請選擇所有適用項)

Online Food Ordering

The food ordering platforms of the respective outlets could be accessible via the following link 請透過以下網頁搜尋個別校內食肆之網上點餐平台

Other Comments and Suggestions 意見及建議

(please select all that apply 請選擇所有適用項)

Please elaborate with details of the concerned problem for our follow up as appropriate. 請詳細說明有關問題,以便我們跟進。

Once again, thank you very much for taking time to fill out the questionnaire. Should you have other enquiries on campus catering services, please do not hesitate to contact us at

我們再次感謝您抽空填寫此問卷。如對校園膳食服務有任何查詢,歡迎透過電郵 與我們聯絡。