University YMCA® (HKU) "Together, We Wander" - Joint-U Homeless Service Day 同「露」人 — 聯校露宿者服務計劃

University YMCA® (HKU)

"Together, We Wander" - Joint-U Homeless Service Day
同「露」人 — 聯校露宿者服務計劃

Programme Registration 

(Registration Deadline: 23:59, 14 October 2022)


Eligibility: HKU full-time undergraduate students aged 17-29 with valid University YMCA (HKU) membership

For Membership Registration and Details of Welcoming Gifts: Click Here

Enquiries about Membership Registration and the Programme: WhatsApp Us / 3917-8091 / 


About the Programme

Can you envisage how desperate it would be if you were placed into an abyss of despair where you no longer have a shelter among your head? In our hustling and bustling society, the street sleepers have constantly been neglected, if not completely ignored. If you have the slightest impulse to lend a benevolent hand to those abandoned walks of life, you mustn't miss this exceptional opportunity to join us in "Together, We Wander"! Thus making a sustainable impact to raise the awareness of the homeless to all walks of lives. 

Alliancing with three other universities, you would be able to contribute your day in exchange for some heart-warming faces on the discriminated stakeholders in our society while meeting new friends from a wide spectrum of universities (HKBU x CCC CUHK x PolyU x HKU) !

So don’t hesitate! Join us NOW!


Programme Details

Day 1 - Homeless Experience Day

Date/Time: 22 Oct 2022 (Sat) 15:00 - 21:00

Venue: Yau Ma Tei

Content: Understanding the street sleeper issue, conducting homeless experience

Day 2 - Interacting with the Homeless

Date/Time: 29 Oct 2022 (Sat) 18:00 - 23:00

Venue: YMCA Mong Kok Holistic Development Centre/Venue provided by SOCO in Tsim Sha Tsui / Sham Shui Po

Content: Preparing and delivering goodie bags, interacting with street sleepers and frontline staff

Language: Cantonese 

Fee: $60 + $100 Deposit* (including the dinner for Day 1)
*Deposit refundable upon completion of programme with full attendance and satisfactory performance


Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 (Fri) 23:59

Enquiries: Uni-Y Student ExCo Laurissa ( /


About University YMCA (HKU)

As a strategic partner of CEDARS and a student organisation affiliated to Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Uni-Y® (HKU) is dedicated to making your university life more fruitful by offering an array of distinguished local community engagement programmes. Leveraging on our strong joint university and YMCA network in 120 countries and regions, we are also committed to enriching your u-adventures ranging from joint-u activities, service trips, overseas internships and a lot more. Do not hesitate any longer in stepping out of your first step if you wish to have a fulfilling year ahead! Register to become a Uni-Y (HKU) member now to enjoy our programmes and services throughout and beyond your U-life. Stay tuned with us by following our Instagram or Facebook page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for our latest videos!


Membership Information

Participants must be valid members of Uni-Y (HKU). If you are not a member yet, please CLICK HERE to register for membership.

1. If you have forgotten the number, please input "Forgot no.".
2. If you have submitted your membership application and do not know your membership number yet, please input "New member".

Personal Information

Further instructions will be given in confirmation messages/ emails.

Emergency Contact
Vaccination Status (calculated on or before 22 Oct 2022)
Terms & Conditions, Declaration

(In Chinese Only)

1) 本人 (上述個人資料) 聲明以上填報資料均真確無訛,據本人所知所信,並無任何健康或其他理由導致本人不宜參加本活動。本人健康狀況良好,並無隱瞞任何既有之健康問題或過敏症。本人同意參加是次活動,亦明白活動具有一定之紀律要求,倘若參加者違反紀律、規則,貴會將保留終止本人繼續參加活動的權利;
2) 若參加者提供的資料有任何錯誤或不依照正確程序報名,主辦單位保留拒絕接受其參與權利;
3) 一經繳費,除本會取消活動外,活動報名費及入會費在任何情況下都不會退還;
4) 活動名額有限,一切以繳費為準,主辦單位有權提前截止報名而不作另行通知;
5) 當日活動將準時開始,遲到或缺席者將不獲補時及退費(主辦單位保留向所有缺席者追收活動補貼費用);
6) 主辦方將於活動結束後為合資格參加者即場退回活動按金;
7) 主辦單位有權以電話或其他方式聯絡參加者以取得所需資訊作活動安排用途;於活動期間所拍攝的相片或影像,將用作日後宣傳及推廣用途,並保留有關相片及影像的版權及擁有權;
8) 活動涉及露宿體驗活動,參加者需確保身體狀況良好並適合參與是次活動,主辦單位並不會對參加者所發生的任何意外、受傷或其所攜帶之財物承擔任何責任。參加者須自行承擔一切責任;
9) 如發生任何主辦單位無法控制的情況導致活動無法如常舉行,包括但不限於參與人數不足、惡劣天氣或特殊社會及疫情狀況等,主辦單位有權決定取消整個活動,所遞交之報名費不獲退還;
10) 如活動當日集合時間2小時或之前,天文台仍懸掛三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號仍然生效,當天活動將會取消。相關通告將於本會Facebook 專頁和Instagram賬戶發佈,參加者有責任自行到專頁瀏覽。主辦單位將不會個別通知參加者。 如活動受任何情況(包括但不限於以上惡劣天氣或疫情等影響)而需改為以其他形式進行,主辦單位將會另作安排及通知各參加者;
11) 參加者必須尊重及遵守由主辦單位職員、工作人員或其授權人士所發出的任何指引;
12) 參加者如違反上述條款,主辦單位保留禁止其參與之權利而不作任何退款;
13) 如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留對是次活動的最終決定權,包括但不限於取錄參加者及活動安排,以及保留增減、修改及刪除條款及細則之權利,而不作事先通知。

香港中華基督教青年會(下稱「本會」)會遵守及履行個人資料(私隱)條例之規定,並確保你的個人資料準確及安全。你的個人資料(包括你的姓名、電郵地址及其他)或會被本會透過電話/郵寄/電子郵件,用作聯絡通訊、籌款、推廣活動、研究調查及其他通訊及推廣之用途。若你希望停止接收本會資訊,請將中英文全名、會員證號碼及電話號碼,電郵予大學青年會 以辦理相關手續。如有查詢,請致電 3917-8091 與本會聯絡。